Q 1. Why the capacitor works on AC power supply?
A: We know C=1/2πfc, since AC voltage has frequency " f " so capacitor do the work on AC. and it pass the AC voltage through it but it block DC voltage because DC voltage has no frequency.
Q 2. What is CT & PT? Explain details.
A: CT means Current Transformer, PT means Potential Transformer, are known as instrument transformer in circuit where measure high current and high voltage involved they are used there. Practically when a measuring device like ammeter or voltmeter is not able to measure such high current and voltage we can measure this high voltage and current by using CT & PT. High value can damage the measuring device so CT and PT are introduced in the circuits.
Ex: A CT of 200/1 A show that if a ammeter connected in the secondary of a CT indicate 1 amp that measure there 200 is following in the primary of CT that in HT line.
when a 132KV/ 110 V PT if voltmeter in secondary of a PT indicate 110 V measure there is 132 KV in the primary.
Q3.What will happen when DC supply apply on the primary of a transformer?
A: Generally Transformer has low resistance and high inductance. in this case of this circuit there is no inductance only resistance will act . so high electrical current will flow through the circuit primary side of the transformer. in this case coil will burn out. so be care fully don't apply DC supply in the Transformer.
Q4. What is the full meaning of KVAR?
A: We know that, the three type of power in Electrical -
a) Active Power.
b) Reactive Power.
c) Apparent Power.
so KVAR is stand for Kilo Volt Amps with Reactive elements.
Q5. Write Full meaning.
2G = Second Generation ( Wireless networks).
3G = 3rd Generation
3GPP = 3G Partnership Program.
ACL = Asynchronous Connection Less (link).
ACM = Association for Comporting Machinery.
ADPCM = Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber link.
AL = Artificial Intelligence.
AIN = Advanced Intelligent Network.
AM = Amplitude Modulation.
AMPS = Advanced Mobile System.
ANSI = American National Standard Institute.
API = Application Program Interface.
ARPA = Advanced Recherche Projects Agency.
ARQ = Automatic Repair Request.
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Institute.
ASK = Amplitude Shift Keying.
ASP = Application Service Provider.
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
AuC = Authentication Center.
AVVID = Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data.
BER = Bit Error Rate.
BGP = Border Gateway Protocol.
BPSK = Binary Phase Shift Keying.
BSC = Base Station Controller.
BSU = Base Station Unit.
BTS = Base Transceiver Subsystem.
CAS = Channel Associated Signaling.
CCS = Common Channel Signaling.
CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access.
CDN = Content Distribution Network.
CDR = Call Details Record.
CD-ROM = Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
CMIP = Common Management Interface Protocol.
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check.
CRM = Customer Relations Management.
CSMA/CA= Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance.
CSMA/CD= Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection.
CTI = Computer Telephony Integration.
CUG = Closed User Group.
CVSD = Continuously Variable Slope Delta ( modulation ).
DAMA = Demand Assigned Multiple Access.
DAP = Directory Access Protocol.
DARPANET= Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
DCTE = Data Circuit Termination Equipment.
DECT = Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication.
DES = Data Encryption Standard.
DGPS = Differential Global Positioning System.
DLC = Digital Loop Carrier.
DM = Delta Modulation.
DNS = Domain Name System / Server.
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line.
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment.
DTMF = Dual Tone Multi Frequency.
DVB = Digital Video Broadcast.
DWDM = Dense Wave Division Multiplexing.
EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Data Interchange Code.
EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol.
EHF = Extra High Frequency.
EIA = Electronic Industries Association.
EIR = Equipment Identity Register.
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
FCC = Federal Communications Commission.
FEC = Forward - active Error Correction.
FDDI = Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
FDM = Frequency Division Multiplexing.
FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access.
FH = Frequency Hopping.
FOMA = Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access.
FM = Frequency Modulation.
FSK = Frequency Shift Keying.
GEO = Geo-synchronous Earth Orbiting (satellite).
GMSK = Guassian M-ray Shift Keying.
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service.
GPS = Global Positioning System.
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication.
GUI = Graphical User Interface.
HCI = Host Controller Interface.
HDLC = High Level Data Link Control.
HDSL = High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Link.
HF = High Frequency.
HIPERLAN = High Performance Local Area Network.
HLR = Home Location Register.
HMI = Human Machine Interface.
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol.
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
IETE = Internet Engineering Task Force.
IGP = Interior Gateway Protocol.
IMEL = International Mobile Equipment Identity.
IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
IN = Intelligent Network.
IP = Internet Protocol.
IPN = Inter Planetary Internet.
IPsec = IP Security Protocol.
IrDA = Infrared Data Association.
IRP = Interior Router Protocol.
ISCII = Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network.
ISM = Industrial, Scientific and Medical (band).
ISO = International Organization for Standardization.
ISP = Internet Service Provider.
ITU = International Telecommunications Union.
IVR = Interactive Voice Response.
IWF = Inter Working Function.
JMF = Java Media Framework.
JPEG = Joint Photography Experts Group.
JVM = Java Virtual Machine.
L2CAP = Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol.
L2F = Layer 2 Forwarding (protocol)
LAN = Local Area Network.
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
LEO = Low Earth Orbiting (satellites).
LLC = Logical Link Control.
LPC = Linear Prediction Control.
MAC = Media Access Control.
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network.
MD = Mediation Device.
MEO = Medium Earth Orbiting (satellite).
MHS = Message Handling System.
MIB = Management Information Base.
MIDP = Mobile Information Device Profile.
MIME = Multi Purpose Internet Mail Extension.
MPEG = Moving Picture Expert Group.
MS = Mobile Station.
MSC = Mobile Switching Center.
NC = Network Computer.
NE = Network Element.
NMC = Network Management Center.
NMT = Nordic Mobile Telephony.
OCR = Optical Character Recognition.
OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.
OMC = Operation and Maintenance Center.
OS = Operating System.
OSI = Open System Interconnection.
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First.
PAN = Personal Area Network.
PBX = Privet Branch Exchange.
PC = Personal Computer.
PCB = Printed Circuit Board.
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation.
PDA = Personal Digital Assistant.
PDN = Public Data Network.
PDU = Protocol Data Unit / Power Distribution Unit.
PLMN = Public Land Mobile Network.
POCSAR = Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group.
PoP = Point of Presence.
PPG = Push Proxy Gateway.
PPTP = Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.
PSK = Phase Shift Keying.
PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network.
PVC = Permanent Virtual Circuit.
QoS = Quality of Service.
QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying.
RADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service.
RFC = Request for Comments.
RSU = Remote Station Unit.
RTCP = Real Time Control Protocol.
RTP = Real Time Transport Protocol.
SAN = Storage Area Network.
SCO = Synchronous Connection Oriented (link).
SCP = Signaling Control Point.
SCPC = Single Channel Per Carrier.
SDP = Service Discovery Protocol.
SMS = Short Messaging Sercice.
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio.
SS7 = Signaling System No.7.
SSMA = Spread Spectrum Multiple Access.
SSP = Signaling Switching Point.
STP = Signaling Transfer Point.
SVC = Switch Virtual Circuit.
TACS = Total Access Control System.
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol.
TDD = Time Division Duplex.
TDM = Time Division Multiplexing.
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access.
TDMA-FDD = Time Division Multiple Access-Frequency Division Duplex.
TDMA-TDD = Time Division Multiple Access-Time Division Duplex.
TLS = Transport Layer Security.
TMN = Telecommunication Management Network.
TMSI = Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity.
UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter.
UDP = User Data gram Protocol.
UHF = Ultra High Frequency.
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.
URL = Uniform Resource Locator.
UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pare.
VC = Virtual Circuit.
VLF = Very Low Frequency.
VLR = Visitor Location Register.
VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol.
VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminal.
VPN = Virtual Privet Network.
WAN = Wide Area Network.
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol.
WARC = World Administrative Radio Conference.
WDM = Wave Division Multiplexing.
WIFI = Wireless Fidelity.
WLL = Wireless Local Loop.
WML = Wireless Markup Language.
WS = Work Station.
WSP = Wireless Section Protocol.
WTP = Wireless Transport Protocol.
WTLK = Wireless Transport Layer Security.
XHTML = Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language.
XLM = Extensible Markup Language.
Q 2. What is CT & PT? Explain details.
A: CT means Current Transformer, PT means Potential Transformer, are known as instrument transformer in circuit where measure high current and high voltage involved they are used there. Practically when a measuring device like ammeter or voltmeter is not able to measure such high current and voltage we can measure this high voltage and current by using CT & PT. High value can damage the measuring device so CT and PT are introduced in the circuits.
Ex: A CT of 200/1 A show that if a ammeter connected in the secondary of a CT indicate 1 amp that measure there 200 is following in the primary of CT that in HT line.
when a 132KV/ 110 V PT if voltmeter in secondary of a PT indicate 110 V measure there is 132 KV in the primary.
Q3.What will happen when DC supply apply on the primary of a transformer?
A: Generally Transformer has low resistance and high inductance. in this case of this circuit there is no inductance only resistance will act . so high electrical current will flow through the circuit primary side of the transformer. in this case coil will burn out. so be care fully don't apply DC supply in the Transformer.
Q4. What is the full meaning of KVAR?
A: We know that, the three type of power in Electrical -
a) Active Power.
b) Reactive Power.
c) Apparent Power.
so KVAR is stand for Kilo Volt Amps with Reactive elements.
Q5. Write Full meaning.
2G = Second Generation ( Wireless networks).
3G = 3rd Generation
3GPP = 3G Partnership Program.
ACL = Asynchronous Connection Less (link).
ACM = Association for Comporting Machinery.
ADPCM = Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber link.
AL = Artificial Intelligence.
AIN = Advanced Intelligent Network.
AM = Amplitude Modulation.
AMPS = Advanced Mobile System.
ANSI = American National Standard Institute.
API = Application Program Interface.
ARPA = Advanced Recherche Projects Agency.
ARQ = Automatic Repair Request.
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Institute.
ASK = Amplitude Shift Keying.
ASP = Application Service Provider.
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode.
AuC = Authentication Center.
AVVID = Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data.
BER = Bit Error Rate.
BGP = Border Gateway Protocol.
BPSK = Binary Phase Shift Keying.
BSC = Base Station Controller.
BSU = Base Station Unit.
BTS = Base Transceiver Subsystem.
CAS = Channel Associated Signaling.
CCS = Common Channel Signaling.
CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access.
CDN = Content Distribution Network.
CDR = Call Details Record.
CD-ROM = Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
CHAP = Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
CMIP = Common Management Interface Protocol.
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check.
CRM = Customer Relations Management.
CSMA/CA= Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance.
CSMA/CD= Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection.
CTI = Computer Telephony Integration.
CUG = Closed User Group.
CVSD = Continuously Variable Slope Delta ( modulation ).
DAMA = Demand Assigned Multiple Access.
DAP = Directory Access Protocol.
DARPANET= Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
DCTE = Data Circuit Termination Equipment.
DECT = Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication.
DES = Data Encryption Standard.
DGPS = Differential Global Positioning System.
DLC = Digital Loop Carrier.
DM = Delta Modulation.
DNS = Domain Name System / Server.
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line.
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment.
DTMF = Dual Tone Multi Frequency.
DVB = Digital Video Broadcast.
DWDM = Dense Wave Division Multiplexing.
EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Data Interchange Code.
EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol.
EHF = Extra High Frequency.
EIA = Electronic Industries Association.
EIR = Equipment Identity Register.
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
FCC = Federal Communications Commission.
FEC = Forward - active Error Correction.
FDDI = Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
FDM = Frequency Division Multiplexing.
FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access.
FH = Frequency Hopping.
FOMA = Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access.
FM = Frequency Modulation.
FSK = Frequency Shift Keying.
GEO = Geo-synchronous Earth Orbiting (satellite).
GMSK = Guassian M-ray Shift Keying.
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service.
GPS = Global Positioning System.
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication.
GUI = Graphical User Interface.
HCI = Host Controller Interface.
HDLC = High Level Data Link Control.
HDSL = High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Link.
HF = High Frequency.
HIPERLAN = High Performance Local Area Network.
HLR = Home Location Register.
HMI = Human Machine Interface.
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol.
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
IETE = Internet Engineering Task Force.
IGP = Interior Gateway Protocol.
IMEL = International Mobile Equipment Identity.
IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
IN = Intelligent Network.
IP = Internet Protocol.
IPN = Inter Planetary Internet.
IPsec = IP Security Protocol.
IrDA = Infrared Data Association.
IRP = Interior Router Protocol.
ISCII = Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network.
ISM = Industrial, Scientific and Medical (band).
ISO = International Organization for Standardization.
ISP = Internet Service Provider.
ITU = International Telecommunications Union.
IVR = Interactive Voice Response.
IWF = Inter Working Function.
JMF = Java Media Framework.
JPEG = Joint Photography Experts Group.
JVM = Java Virtual Machine.
L2CAP = Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol.
L2F = Layer 2 Forwarding (protocol)
LAN = Local Area Network.
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
LEO = Low Earth Orbiting (satellites).
LLC = Logical Link Control.
LPC = Linear Prediction Control.
MAC = Media Access Control.
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network.
MD = Mediation Device.
MEO = Medium Earth Orbiting (satellite).
MHS = Message Handling System.
MIB = Management Information Base.
MIDP = Mobile Information Device Profile.
MIME = Multi Purpose Internet Mail Extension.
MPEG = Moving Picture Expert Group.
MS = Mobile Station.
MSC = Mobile Switching Center.
NC = Network Computer.
NE = Network Element.
NMC = Network Management Center.
NMT = Nordic Mobile Telephony.
OCR = Optical Character Recognition.
OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.
OMC = Operation and Maintenance Center.
OS = Operating System.
OSI = Open System Interconnection.
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First.
PAN = Personal Area Network.
PBX = Privet Branch Exchange.
PC = Personal Computer.
PCB = Printed Circuit Board.
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation.
PDA = Personal Digital Assistant.
PDN = Public Data Network.
PDU = Protocol Data Unit / Power Distribution Unit.
PLMN = Public Land Mobile Network.
POCSAR = Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group.
PoP = Point of Presence.
PPG = Push Proxy Gateway.
PPTP = Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.
PSK = Phase Shift Keying.
PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network.
PVC = Permanent Virtual Circuit.
QoS = Quality of Service.
QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying.
RADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service.
RFC = Request for Comments.
RSU = Remote Station Unit.
RTCP = Real Time Control Protocol.
RTP = Real Time Transport Protocol.
SAN = Storage Area Network.
SCO = Synchronous Connection Oriented (link).
SCP = Signaling Control Point.
SCPC = Single Channel Per Carrier.
SDP = Service Discovery Protocol.
SMS = Short Messaging Sercice.
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio.
SS7 = Signaling System No.7.
SSMA = Spread Spectrum Multiple Access.
SSP = Signaling Switching Point.
STP = Signaling Transfer Point.
SVC = Switch Virtual Circuit.
TACS = Total Access Control System.
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol.
TDD = Time Division Duplex.
TDM = Time Division Multiplexing.
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access.
TDMA-FDD = Time Division Multiple Access-Frequency Division Duplex.
TDMA-TDD = Time Division Multiple Access-Time Division Duplex.
TLS = Transport Layer Security.
TMN = Telecommunication Management Network.
TMSI = Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity.
UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter.
UDP = User Data gram Protocol.
UHF = Ultra High Frequency.
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.
URL = Uniform Resource Locator.
UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pare.
VC = Virtual Circuit.
VLF = Very Low Frequency.
VLR = Visitor Location Register.
VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol.
VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminal.
VPN = Virtual Privet Network.
WAN = Wide Area Network.
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol.
WARC = World Administrative Radio Conference.
WDM = Wave Division Multiplexing.
WIFI = Wireless Fidelity.
WLL = Wireless Local Loop.
WML = Wireless Markup Language.
WS = Work Station.
WSP = Wireless Section Protocol.
WTP = Wireless Transport Protocol.
WTLK = Wireless Transport Layer Security.
XHTML = Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language.
XLM = Extensible Markup Language.
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